Ref: 2022-1-ES02-KA152-YOU-000057402

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The project Ultreia brings together three key elements in order to achieve a fairer and more sustainable world: the inclusion of people coming from disadvantaged backgrounds, the awareness about current environmental issues and the promotion of sports and a healthy lifestyle among youth as a tool to foster personal development and group cohesion. Through sport, in this specific case through the practice of hiking, many important values such as respect for the other, work team, empathy, the value of effort and a higher knowledge about our environment are acquired. Public institutions, international organizations, NGOs and social movements are aware of the huge power that sports has in the advancement of these solidary values. Taking into account that the youth coming from disadvantaged backgrounds face higher difficulties in practicing sports, both because of the lack of time and the absence of free and adequate nearby sport services. Secondly, many European countries suffer from a lack of sports culture, more centered into formal education and labor as the main medium of personal growth. Therefore, the priority of “Embrace Difference: Hiking for Inclusion” is to actively promote and defend the importance of free time and non-formal education as a pillar of personal and collective development of young people. The practice of sports must take a prominent role inside leisure time, a practice which avoids stiff competition but promotes instead cooperation and partnership. It has been decided to focus on hiking because it is reachable, affordable and connects us with our closer environment, allowing us to better understand the environmental risks that our societies face nowadays. Thus, it is ensured a higher participation of all the youth interested, no matter the condition, economic or social background this person belongs to. Environmental sustainability and social justice goes hand in hand and cannot be understood separately. This is the main reason why it is so important to defend both principles as priority areas in the defense and pursuit of solid and prosperous democracies.
    • Activities in differents cities of Cantabria; from 08th to 16th september 2022.
To reach our main objective, 20 young participants between 18 and 30 years old coming from vulnerable backgrounds from Greece, Poland, Italy and Spain. They will be part of a 7-day programme, in which the main activity will be to attempt a 5-day trekking in a self-sustainable perspective on the Camino Lebaniego. The participants who will take part in the activities come from backgrounds with different situations of vulnerability and have in common their will to develop themselves, connect with nature and enhance European values within themselves. Through non-formal education activities based on nature education, hiking and personal development, participants will have the opportunity to establish a deep connection with each other and with nature. They will also become aware of the society in which they are immersed and become aware of their own needs, feelings, emotions and personal qualities. They will face the fear and responsibility of living a life, overcoming day by day our own limits thanks to the work day by day, overcoming our own limits thanks to teamwork and the natural capacity to act that exists within us. In short, the experience we propose is an experiential and multidisciplinary activity, based on non-formal education methodologies and in nature with hiking as a vehicle to achieve our goal, to enable young people to become agents of social change in today's society.
