Ref: 2019-2-ES02-KA205-013366
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Active Citizens +
This project called "ACTIVE CITIZENS +" arises from the need detected by the partners involved in the implementation to reflect and innovate around the search of strategies for the promotion of active participation and citizenship of European youth and the need to promote European values in the face of the emergence and growth of Eurosceptic movements.
Faced with the growing emergence of non-Europeanist movements in the continent, we believe that more than ever it is necessary to enhance social cohesion and the social inclusion of youth through active participation and citizenship, empowering young people and making them mistresses of their present and future, of your future. This is the origin of one of the innovative approaches that we want to propose with this project, emphasizing through this project the importance of strengthening ties and transactional strategies between organizations to promote European values and European citizenship. With the current movements that attack the European Union and the models of coexistence based on interculturalism, tolerance and non-racism, we believe that it is necessary to remind our young people of the origin of the European Union, so as not to make the same mistakes of past centuries and to make known the European values that guarantee a model of society based on respect, interculturality, peace and transnational cooperation. The project will implement strategies at European level and at the local level to address this aspect in an innovative way.
The project aims to implement at the local level the "ACTIVE CITIZENS SPACES +". From this spaces the project partners will launch different actions, activities and campaigns to promote the participation and active citizenship of youth, with special emphasis to social inclusion for an integral participation of youth. From these spaces reflections on the new ways of participation in youth will be carried out in order to propose an innovative approach when promoting the active participation of youth. We intend that these spaces endure in time once the project is finished.
It is expected in the Project to reach the following objectives and activities:
- Start up the "ACTIVE CITIZENS SPACES +" in three different European countries.
- Carry out three specific training actions to train workers in the field of youth and young people interested in the theme of the Project.
- Develop and edit one intellectual product linked to the theme of the project and of pedagogical utility for workers in the field of youth and for youth in general.
- Set up a TRAVELING EXHIBITION in each of the partner countries on the origins of the European Union and the Council of Europe.
- Carry out a transnational meeting to prepare the project in the first months of the project.
- Create the “ACTIVE CITIZENS+ EUROPEAN NETWORK” with participating organizations.
The main beneficiaries of the actions that will be developed in the project will be young people in general and young people with fewer opportunities in particular, in addition to workers in the field of youth who participate in the different training activities that will be carried out with the project. It is expected that a total of 39 people will participate in the training activities included in this project and a lot of young people participate directly or indirectly in the project, in addition to the volunteers, experts, technicians and managers of the partner organizations that will be involved in the different phases of the project.
Throughout the development of the project, the impact, the dissemination of results and the sustainability of the project will be important aspects that will be taken into account by all partners.
The project will involve 6 organizations with extensive experience at local and European level from France, Italy and Spain.
Start: 01-12-2019
End: 30-11-2021
- Transnational Project Meeting: Santander (Cantabria-Spain): 11-14 /02/2020
- Activity C1-Training: "EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP" Dinan (France) 27-31/07/2020
- Activity C2-Training: "EUROPE +" León (Spain) 02-08/07/2021