Ref: 2021-1-ES02-KA153-YOU-000009286
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Valores europeos a través de fotogramas
Nowadays many of us can play at being a photographer thanks to the cameras of our mobile devices. Even many of you will think that everything is already photographed and that it is increasingly difficult to be original when visually registering any aspect of our surroundings. However, photography, as well as a hobby, is also a discipline that requires a series of procedures and techniques in order to accurately represent or describe a reality; and each reality is different and unique depending on who presses the button. It is here that the main idea of the project arises: empowering and supporting youth workers to explore values defined in the Treaty of Lisbon to explore its impact on youth practices.
As a final tangible product, a photographic exhibition of the participants on European realities and values will be set up, with the ultimate aim of promoting these values among youth and the variety of youth programs such as Erasmus + or European Solidarity Corps.
Some of the objectives that we pursue with our project are the following:
- Provide a training course to youth workers in order to promote European values among youth through the creative expression of photography.
- Provide youth workers with a deeper insight into the language of photography, its elements and potential and in what ways photography can be used in their work with young people (with fewer opportunities included).
- Support youth workers in the development of specific skills to promote critical thinking and participation in the social and political life of young people.
- Provide youth workers with opportunities for training and networking with other youth workers and operators working on issues of youth activism through the arts, on the issue of human rights (inclusion, equality, freedom, democracy) and prevention of radicalization of young people. Our project will have a high-level training proposal based on solid, coherent and useful plans that provide rigorous, practical knowledge and always in continuous evolution.
11-16 May 2022
- Activity in Santander (Cantabria); from 11th to 16th may 2022.